
Heavy Periods

October 31st, 2020 by yodok in heavy periods, period problems, periods, menstruation

Majority of women have a 28 day cycle and  have periods on the average for 4 to 5 days. The first day of  your period is the first day of your cycle.

After a period the lining of the womb starts to increase in thickness in preparation for the possibility of pregnancy. In every woman the body naturally prepares every month for this chance.

On the 14th day after your period on the average,  the release of the egg by the ovary (ovulation) takes place. About the 21st day of the cycle if the egg that is released is not fertilised which means the woman is not pregnancy, the womb sheds that thickness of its lining and this is what appears as a period.

So the period is the shedding of the lining of the womb when the woman does not get pregnant.

The thicker the lining of the womb that is shed, the heavier the period and also when the lining of the womb is very thin, the period is light, or it is not shed at all. If it is not shed at all, then no period.

The important thing to know is that this entire process is controlled by your brain which in turn control the cycle of hormones produced in the different parts of the body.

This is why anything that can affect the brain, affects the period. Stress or any major life events during the month of the cycle can affect the brain and therefore affect a woman’s period. Even change of environment, moving to a new house, change of job, travels, or any stressful situation. During the great wars many women stopped having periods because of the stress of the wars. Another example, some women have heavy periods during a bad divorce and once the situation is resolved the period goes back to normal without any treatment.

Heavy periods are common.

It is difficult to say exactly what a heavy period is because it depends on the woman. What one woman may consider a heavy period may be normal for another.

Most women have a good idea what is a normal period for them and would tell when a change in their periods have happened. A heavy period can affect the life of a woman and you should see a doctor. The good news is that there are now better and various treatments available to control heavy periods.

Causes of heavy periods

There would not always be an underlying cause of heavy periods.

But the common causes are:

 Fibroids- non-cancerous lumps on the womb.

 Endometriosis– tissue from the lining of the womb attaches to the ovaries, and other areas in the pelvis. Periods tend to be heavy and painful.

Polycystic Ovary (PCO)- a condition that affects the ovary and the way it works. Periods could also be irregular.

Pelvic inflammatory infection– infection in the pelvis and genital tract.

Endometrial polyps– non-cancerous growth on the lining of the womb

Cancer of the womb– any bleeding after menopause, please see the doctor to look into the reason why it had happened.

Clotting problems like anti-clotting medications or diseases that affect clotting of the blood like  Von Willebrand disease.

Underactive thyroid

Depression-low mood can cause heavy periods.


IUD birth control

Tests offered for heavy periods

Women with heavy periods  should have tests to try and find out the cause of the problem. In many cases no underlying causes would be found. The tests include

Blood tests

Ultrasound scan

Hysteroscopy- examination of inside of the womb with a camera. Some people just do a D&C


There are various treatments for heavy periods.

They include

Intrauterine system (IUS) – A type of coil that contains  the hormone called progesterone which  is placed in the womb by a healthcare professional. The hormone acts just inside the womb ( almost without getting into your body) and makes the lining of the womb thin. If the lining of the womb is thin, then you would a lighter period or no periods at all.


    Without hormones- tranexamic acid, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug like naproxen, mefenamic acid.

    Medicines with hormones- combined oral contraceptive pill (OCP), progesterone tablets


Endometrial ablation-where the lining of the womb is removed, and if the lining of the womb is removed, the period would be lighter or would stop completely.

Myomectomy- removal of fibroid from the womb.

Uterine artery ablation-this procedure shrinks the fibroids.

Hysterectomy- removal of the womb.

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