
Spotting In Pregnancy And Miscarriage

September 27th, 2020 by yodok in miscarriage, pregnancy, Spotting in pregnancy

Spotting in pregnancy is light vaginal bleeding when you are pregnant. It is very common in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and does not mean you are about to have a miscarriage. For some pregnant women it may happens later in the pregnancy. All that is needed is a scan to make sure that the baby is alright.

What happens during a miscarriage?

Miscarriage is when there is a pregnancy loss before your pregnancy reaches 23 weeks.

The main problem the pregnant woman would notice is vaginal bleeding and this may be followed lower abdominal pains, cramping like a very severe period pain.

If you have vaginal bleeding, you need to see your doctor who should give you a scan to make sure all well with the baby inside the womb.

What causes miscarriage?

The cause of the miscarriage is usually not known.

The commonest cause is when the baby have abnormal chromosomes. Chromosomes are the genetic materials that help in the development of the baby.  Maybe the baby do not have enough or have too much of the genetic material.

It is important to know that in most cases a miscarriage does not happen again. Many women would have a successful full time pregnancy the next time they get pregnant without doing anything at all.

Prevention of miscarriage

Many of the miscarriages cannot be prevented and it is not the woman’s fault.

But there are things you can do to reduce the possibility of miscarriage.

  • Avoid drinking alcohol when you are pregnant
  • No smoking in pregnancy
  • Avoid taking drugs while pregnant especially the ones you just and buy from the chemist because the medicine may affect the pregnancy. Only take medicines the doctor had prescribed.
  • Eating a healthy diet and reducing infection in pregnancy can reduce the chances of miscarriage.

What to do you think you are having a miscarriage.

If you have vaginal bleeding or/and abdominal pain while pregnancy, you need a Ultrasound scan.

The Ultrasound scan can determine if you are having a miscarriage.

Depending on the result, and with your doctor you could decide what to do.

         EITHER you wait and naturally pass out the pregnancy tissue. It takes about 1-2 weeks.

         OR If you do not want to wait your can have a D&C.

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